Why evil in the muscles of the back and as it is a treat

Almost every person appeared pain in the muscles of the back. It occurs in the elderly and the young. Its appearance may be harmless phenomenon or to indicate that a person develops a serious illness. Regardless of the reasons why she appeared, the man is necessarily to consult a doctor. The timely treatment to a specialist to help you get rid of the pain and stop the spread of the disease.


Why sore back muscles

The back is the most enormous part of the human body. It closes almost all the internal organs, muscles, joints, bones. And the onset of pain, that he should warn the man. Often the unpleasant sensations cause infectious and inflammatory diseases, excessive fatigue of the sport. All these factors lead to the muscles in this area in expansion or in decline, the structure of the spine is changed.

The sensation of the pain in the back as something to characterize very difficult. Their emergence is linked to the admission in the muscles of lactic acid. Because of her, that the person has swelling, pain of varying intensity.

The doctors say that muscle pain in the back are divided into several types:

  • low,
  • sharp
  • of the intense pain.

Acute pain usually occurs as a result, the development of inflammatory processes, infectious diseases, or diseases of the internal organs.

Patients is distinguished by a number of groups of pain. The syndrome of pain, according to them, is:

  • periodic;
  • permanent;
  • unique.

Causes of pain in the muscles of the back:

The development of diseases of the muscles of the back: scoliosis, low back pain, osteoarthritis, rheumatism. They lead to the muscles get tired and this is the source of human discomfort. Because of the illness of the unpleasant sensations appear in the trapezoid longitudinal and muscles.

The development of the disease in the internal organs. For example, in the field of pathology, genito-urinary, and cardiac systems, in the organs of respiration, in the stomach and the liver, in the area of the blades, upper back and chest.

The dissemination of the inflammatory process. Frequent disease that affects the muscles of the back is myositis. It starts with the penetration in the body of the infection that destroys the connective and the muscle tissue. Because of what the person has purulent neoplasia. Myositis occurs often due to the fact that the man in the sweat, and went out into the air stream. Often, it occurs as a complication of chronic forms of disease are localized in the organs of breathing, and lung. In addition, it appears upon wounds and bruises, the development of rheumatism, worms, diseases of the central nervous system, a bad heredity. During the initial phase of the inflammation can pass by themselves. However, if in the later stages of treatment, the person may increase the pain, increase significantly the temperature of the body, the infection passes to other areas, muscle atrophy. When the man does not appear unpleasant sensations in the muscles, but their physical activity broken.

Mechanical damage and muscle injuries. In general they appear in athletes after a hard physical work. Because of the excessive physical activity often, these people have the jumps, надрывы, appear the inflammatory process in the muscles of the trapezium, cramps, and pains in the back.

The overload of the body and a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the sensation of pain in humans may appear when it is long the time was off, and produced a kind of action. In the risk group are office employees. They are constantly in an uncomfortable position. The result of this, they often have muscle pain at work.

Often sore back muscles after the training of persons actively engaged in the sport. This includes citizens, often moving on to ships and people traveling with tents and backpacks. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the back in these charges, heavily erased, leaving a mechanical trauma, pain in the muscles. Often a mechanical trauma are likely to occur in children. This is due to the fact that their bones are particularly mobility, and they can't assess his physical strength. Because of this, parents must monitor their children to exclude a rupture of the ligament.

The presence of human pathologies, congenital. For example, in the syndrome of short man's feet deforms the spine, and pathology in the intestine. The sensation of pain are unpleasant, and they appear periodically, but due to the fact that the pathology develops rapidly, the pain of the man reinforce.

Conducted by massage or gymnastics, medical. Often, patients have reported that muscle pain appeared after the procedure. They can occur due to the fact that it is poorly made. For example, a man named relaxing on the procedure, and he had received stimulation and / or impact points. Of the unpleasant sensations may occur that in the course of the proceedings appeared excessive tension of the muscles. The pain can occur when the person the procedure was contraindicated, and have done to him or he never knew him do not. Often, the pain will appear when the man develops chronic diseases. If they had been made of the procedure, after 1-2 hours can appear pains in the back. The presence of the low qualification of the employee can lead to the onset of pain. Remember, if the massage is executed correctly, the pain is no longer there.

Other reasons that cause pain in the muscles, is regarded as the development of the specific human anatomy of the signs. For example, scoliosis leads to the violation of the symmetry of the spine, flat feet, to the reduction of the lower end, the development of the asymmetry congenital bone of the pelvis.

What if evil in the muscles of the back

With the development of the disease in the patient appear not only of the pain in the muscles of the back and of the pathology:

  • disturbed posture;
  • reduces the mobility of the joints and of the spine. For example, the person may not completely straighten your back or turn to the head.
  • reduces the overall sensitivity of the skin.

The doctors say that the root of the back muscles and the spine can be due to the development in the body of the man of serious diseases. Most often the development of the degenerative disease of the disc. Him, suffers approximately 85% of the population of the Earth.

Osteochondrosis of hits:

  • the vertebrae of the spine;
  • the intervertebral disks;
  • the spinal cord;
  • the trunks and roots of the spinal nerves;
  • the veins and arteries;
  • the capillaries, ligaments, and muscles.

In addition, the osteochondrosis develops on the background:

  • спондилита;
  • the disease Ankylosing spondylitis;
  • arthritis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • the scoliosis.

The danger of degenerative disc disease is that it leads to the appearance of degenerative lesions and destruction of bone tissue, intervertebral discs and articular cartilage.

The causes of the degenerative disease of the disk the following:

  • heredity;
  • the consumption of bad products;
  • excess weight;
  • the injury may cause in the future to the development of serious diseases.
  • roots, soft tissue and muscles, blood vessels;
  • a sedentary lifestyle;
  • excessive overload of the organism to physical work;
  • stress common.

The onset of pain to the left and to the right at the bottom of the blades talks about the development of the hernia and nonalgia. Many patients have developed with the advent of home, of the weak, deaf, periodic pain in the back, and see it as normal. But this is false. It is Important to consult a specialist and to identify the cause of the pain.

The more often the pain in the back area appear clearly in the marked location. This can be:

  • Onset of pain in the trapezius muscle. It is the most vulnerable, because its fibers are in the shoulders and direct their mobility. Usually, the evil, the biggest and the latissimus dorsi at the workers art and dancers, who are often strongly tend. In addition to this, the pain in this muscle may appear due to психоэмоциональных problems.
  • The pain in the trapezius muscle occur even after the elimination of the source of the disease, and is accompanied by headache. For this pain is characterized by the following symptoms: a person may not move the head, the pain apply to the area of the shoulders and cervical region. They carry the bad, the permanent and more often possible to give of the humerus in the department.
  • The emergence of unpleasant sensations in a large rhomboid muscle in the back. When the pain of a person is not able to actively move the neck and shoulders. The pain in this area can occur due to the fact that the person is not properly raise a heavy object. This is due to the shift of the location of vanes and the development of man descend.
  • If you receive the pain in the muscles of the back to the left, he speaks of the development of the degenerative disease of the disc. With them, humans are often dizziness, altered vision, appear unpleasant sensations in the upper limbs.
  • If muscle aches in the back along the spine, it is said about the development of the hernia and scoliosis. The pain occurs because the nerve roots are subjected to pressure, and a portion of the vertebral column are changing their usual state.
  • The onset of cervical arthritis is characterized by pressure in the veins and arteries, the pain appears crises. It is burning and throbbing. It is localized in the neck or other part of the head. You are experiencing symptoms of oxygen deprivation: the dizziness, the nausea, the migraines appear to be severely diminishes the vision, decreased sensitivity in the upper limbs and the schedule, shortness of breath occurs, reduces the activity of the cervical spine. If a person is in adulthood, it can suddenly lose consciousness, and if the disease is passed in a chronic stage, it appears to paresis and paralysis of the upper limbs.
  • The emergence of the nursing of degenerative disc disease characterized by the occurrence of a sharp pain with lumbago, gradually increasing. It is located in the area between the ribs, in the blades and the top of the abdomen. The patient storm of coughing, a lump in the throat, there are difficulties at the time of the глотательных action. When the slopes, elevation of the upper limbs— it increases the pressure, and there is pain in the region of the heart.
  • The emergence of the lumbar spine and degenerative disc disease characterized by the formation of a pain in the lumbar region. It is instantaneous with lumbago. Muscle pain in the lower back and legs. When this gives in the groin and pelvis. If the vertebrae fuse, it may become less or even the abyss. In the patient a feeling of numbness of the skin, paresis and paralysis of the upper limbs. In men, there are problems with the visit to the toilet. The women disrupted menstrual cycle.
  • The onset of pain in the muscles of the right back said on the development: osteoarthritis, sciatica, scoliosis, tuberculosis, and injuries of the spine, inflammations of the muscles. If the patient has pain in the muscles of the back to the right, this may indicate that in the body of developing the disease, which disrupt the structure of the internal organs. It said on the development: appendicitis, peritonitis, pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, pankreonekroza, duodenal ulcer, the appearance of kidney stones, acute cholecystitis, myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, pneumonia. If the unpleasant sensations appear in women, it is said about the development at the annexite, endometritis, fibroids, and cysts.

The diagnosis of the disease

The muscle pain in the back is treated by the surgeon, невропатологом, the occupational therapist, who can carry out a precise diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Originally, they look at the patient and learn about his complaints.

To other diagnostic methods, which are used during the identification of man with the symptoms of the disease:

  • X-ray — defines the pathology, localized in the bone system.
  • MRI — diagnostic — assesses the area of muscle injury.
  • The puncture — is parasitic in the defeat.
  • With the help of the ECG, you can evaluate the work of your heart.

The patient will need to pass analysis of blood and urine. With their help, you can set the development of the inflammatory process in the body.


To treat pain in the muscles of the back, you can be one of the following methods. All are aimed at the elimination of the source of the pain:

  • Remove acute pain in the area of activity of the patient prescribed ointments and gels with an anaesthetic. In this case, the suit ointments that contain red pepper. As an option, you can use ointments, of which the snake venom.
  • Of myositis, you must use a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs. Advanced, the doctor can prescribe remedies corticosteroid. Remember that the implement follows the path, and that pursuant to the appointment of your doctor.
  • Of the hernia of the intervertebral disc are used muscle relaxants, which are able to clean quickly the spasm of the muscles.
  • Parasites, you can take the methods of conventional medicine.
  • The purulent myositis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics.


In order to avoid the onset of pain in the back, the patient needs to perform the following steps:

  • Keep a good posture when walking and when you're sitting on a chair. For the keep it should be put against a wall and snuggle up to her neck and heels. This provision should retain and register them in the daily life.
  • If you want to take a long time, doctors are invited to all 10 minutes to change position, supporting the weight of the body from one foot to the other.
  • In the case when you need to sit in time — just pull the muscle fatigue. For this, you need to bend your back, extend both hands towards the top, front and breathe deeply. Then, it is necessary to rise on socks, lift the arms and stretch them behind. These movements must be performed many times per day.
  • It is recommended to hang for a long time unit.
  • Ensure that you eat. It is necessary to exclude fatty foods. It is best to consume foods that are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.
  • Dress according to the weather and avoid draughts and cold.
  • Every day to do sports.
  • Do not lie long in bed. Shorter rest intervals will exclude the probability of the occurrence of atrophy of the muscles.